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Unavailable*: Contact us for crop status or contract grow options
Image click on the image below for an enhanced view of the seedling | Scientific Name | Common Name | Availability | Description |
click on the image below for an enhanced view of the seedling |
Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
Acer floridana |
Florida maple |
Sorry, we're out! Check with us for the next availability. |
Deciduous tree with deeply lobed leaves. Occurs in moist to well-drained hammocks. |
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Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
Acer negundo |
Boxelder |
Sorry, they are all gone! Check with us for the next availability. |
Deciduous tree with trifoliate leaves. Occurs in floodplains and moist hammock |
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Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
Acer rubrum |
Red Maple |
200 |
A deciduous tree with attractive red, winged fruit in the late Winter and dark green, deeply lobed leaves. They’re a nice shade tree for moist to occasionally flooded soils. |
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Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
Aesculus pavia |
Red buckeye |
100 |
Small deciduous tree with attractive red flowers in the late Winter. Found along streams and floodplains. |
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Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
Alnus serrulata |
Hazel alder |
Currently unavailable. Contact us to place a contract order. |
Small, deciduous tree found along creeks and floodplains. Attractive Spring foliage. |
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Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
Asimina parviflora |
small-fruited pawpaw |
Should have ~300 for February. |
A small deciduous tree with attractive flowers and thumb-sized edible fruit. Found in dry and moist woods. |
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Image click on the image below for an enhanced view of the seedling | Scientific Name | Common Name | Availability | Description |
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Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
Betula nigra |
River birch |
Contact us for crop status or contract grow options |
A medium to large deciduous tree with interesting exfoliating bark. Occurs along watercourse, on sand bars, and clay soils. |
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Image click on the image below for an enhanced view of the seedling | Scientific Name | Common Name | Availability | Description |
click on the image below for an enhanced view of the seedling |
Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
Carpinus caroliniana |
blue beech, ironwood, muscle wood |
400 |
A medium-sized deciduous tree with striking sinewed trunk. Occurs in the understory in moist woods. |
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Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
Carya alba |
mockernut |
Sold out until later this year. |
A large compound- leaved, deciduous tree that produces large, edible nuts. Found in better drained uplands. |
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Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
click on the image below for an enhanced view of the seedling |
Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
Carya floridana |
scrub hickory |
Sold out! Order for 2020. |
A small deciduous tree with attractive Fall foliage. Occurs on very dry scrub soils. |
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Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
Carya glabra |
pignut |
We're out! Check with us for the next availability. |
A large compound- leaved, deciduous tree. Found in moist woodlands. |
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Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
Celtis laevigata |
sugarberry, hackberry, ironwood |
1500 |
Large deciduous tree with white, knobby bark. Fruit is attractive to squirrels and birds. |
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Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
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Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
Chionanthus virginica |
fringe tree, old man’s beard |
25 |
Small tree with simple, opposite deciduous leaves and spectacular white flowers in the Spring. Occurs on moist soils. |
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Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
Cornus asperifolia |
rough cornel |
Currently unavailable. contact us to place a contract grow order. |
Small deciduous tree with clusters of white flowers in late Winter. Found in wet and dry soils. |
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Cornus florida |
flowering dogwood |
Sold out until later this year. |
Medium deciduous tree with large white flowers in late Winter and attractive red fruit in early Fall. Found in moist to dry woodlands. |
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Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
Cornus foemina |
stiff cornel |
Unavailable*Contact us for crop status or contract grow options |
Small deciduous tree with clusters of white flowers in late Winter. Occurs in moist or inundated soils. |
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Image click on the image below for an enhanced view of the seedling | Scientific Name | Common Name | Availability | Description |
click on the image below for an enhanced view of the seedling |
Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
Dyosporus virginiana |
persimmon |
~200, April |
Large deciduous tree with edible orange fruit. Found in soils ranging from floodplain to sand hill. |
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Image click on the image below for an enhanced view of the seedling | Scientific Name | Common Name | Availability | Description |
Fraxinus americana |
white ash |
Currently unavailable. |
Large deciduous tree with opposite compound leaves. Occurs in moist to well-drained hammocks. |
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Fraxinus caroliniana |
pop ash |
Currently unavailable. Contact us for crop status or to place a contract grow order. |
Small deciduous tree with opposite compound leaves. Occurs in floodplains and moist hammock. |
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Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
Image click on the image below for an enhanced view of the seedling | Scientific Name | Common Name | Availability | Description |
click on the image below for an enhanced view of the seedling |
Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
Gordonia lasianthus |
loblolly bay |
Contact us for crop status or contract grow options |
Medium to large evergreen tree with copious, attractive white flowers with yellow centers. Found in wet to flooded soils. |
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Image click on the image below for an enhanced view of the seedling | Scientific Name | Common Name | Availability | Description |
Image click on the image below for an enhanced view of the seedling |
Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
Ilex ambigua |
sand holly |
Unavailable*Contact us for crop status or contract grow options |
Small to medium-sized deciduous tree found on dry soils. Attractive, large red berries from Fall though Winter. |
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Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
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Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
Ilex cassine |
dahoon |
Contact us for crop status or contract grow options |
A medium to large evergreen tree with numerous red berries in the Winter. Occurs along water courses and wetlands in both wet and inundated conditions. |
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Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
Ilex decidua |
possum haw, winterberry |
Contact us for crop status or contract grow options |
A small to medium-sized deciduous tree with large red berries in the Fall and Winter. Occurs in the understory in moist woods. |
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Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
Ilex glabra |
gallberry, inkberry |
Currently unavailable. contact us to check crop status or to place a contract grow order. |
A small to medium sized evergreen tree also used as a hedge that produces numerous black berries. Found in moist uplands. |
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Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
Ilex myrtifolia |
myrtle holly |
Sold out! Order for 2020
A small to medium sized evergreen tree found along water courses. Has small leaves and produces numerous red berries. |
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Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
Ilex opaca |
American holly |
300 |
A large evergreen tree with striking red berries that occurs in moist woods. Has attractive white bark on mature specimens. |
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Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
Ilex vomitoria |
yaupon |
Currently unavailable. contact us to check crop status or to place a contract grow order. |
A small to medium-sized evergreen with small leaves and red berries. Occurs in dry to moist woods. |
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Image click on the image below for an enhanced view of the seedling | Scientific Name | Common Name | Availability | Description |
click on the image below for an enhanced view of the seedling |
Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
Image click on the image below for an enhanced view of the seedling | Scientific Name | Common Name | Availability | Description |
click on the image below for an enhanced view of the seedling |
Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
click on the image below for an enhanced view of the seedling |
Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
Liriodendron tulipifera |
tulip poplar, yellow poplar |
Contact us for crop status or contract grow options |
Large deciduous tree with large attractive flowers. Occurs in moist woodlands. |
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Image click on the image below for an enhanced view of the seedling | Scientific Name | Common Name | Availability | Description |
click on the image below for an enhanced view of the seedling |
Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
Magnolia grandiflora |
southern magnolia, bullbay |
1000 |
A large evergreen tree with gorgeous and fragrant white flowers. Occurs in moist to wet woods. |
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Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
Magnolia virginiana |
sweetbay |
Currently unavailable. Check with us to check crop status or place a contract grow order. |
Large evergreen tree with attractive white 6-inch flowers and leaves that flash their silvery-white undersides in a breeze.. Occurs in moderately well-drained to inundated soils. |
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Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
Morus rubra |
red mulberry |
We're out but will have more soon! Check with us to find out the crop status. |
Large deciduous tree with edible black fruit. Found in soils ranging from floodplain to moderately well-drained. |
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Image click on the image below for an enhanced view of the seedling | Scientific Name | Common Name | Availability | Description |
click on the image below for an enhanced view of the seedling |
Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
click on the image below for an enhanced view of the seedling |
Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
click on the image below for an enhanced view of the seedling |
Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
Nyssa sylvatica |
sour gum, black gum |
Currently unavailable. check with us regarding crop status. |
Large deciduous tree with opposite leaves. Occurs in moist hammocks |
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Image click on the image below for an enhanced view of the seedling | Scientific Name | Common Name | Availability | Description |
click on the image below for an enhanced view of the seedling |
Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
Ostrya virginiana |
eastern hophornbeam |
Sold out 'til 2021 |
Medium sized deciduous tree with copious, attractive green “paper-lantern” fruit. Found in moist hammocks. |
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Image click on the image below for an enhanced view of the seedling | Scientific Name | Common Name | Availability | Description |
click on the image below for an enhanced view of the seedling |
Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
click on the image below for an enhanced view of the seedling |
Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
Persea humilis |
silk bay |
Contact us for crop status or contract grow options |
A small evergreen tree with attractive lustrous leaves found in dry woods. Backs of leaves have attractive copper color. |
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Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
Persea palustris |
swamp bay |
Unavailable*Contact us for crop status or contract grow options |
A medium to large evergreen tree with lustrous leaves. Occurs along water courses and wetlands in both wet and inundated conditions. |
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Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
Pinus clausa v. Ocali |
sand pine Ocala race |
140 |
A large evergreen conifer that occurs on very dry soils. Maintains a dense foliage and a twisted trunk. |
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Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
Pinus elliottii v. densa |
south Florida slash pine |
Sold out. |
A large evergreen tree found on poorly to well-drained soils in Florida south of Sebring and along the coasts to Cedar Key and Flagler Beach. |
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Image click on the image below for an enhanced view of the seedling |
Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
click on the image below for an enhanced view of the seedling |
Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
click on the image below for an enhanced view of the seedling |
Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
Pinus palustris |
longleaf pine |
300 |
A large evergreen conifer that occurs on moist to dry soils. Long-lived with attractive long needles.. |
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Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
Pinus serotina |
pond pine |
Currently unavailable. Check with us for crop status. |
A large evergreen conifer with dense foliage. Occurs on poorly- drained soils. |
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Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
click on the image below for an enhanced view of the seedling |
Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
Planera aquatica |
planer elm, water elm |
Contact us for crop status or contract grow options |
Medium-sized deciduous tree with small leaves. Occurs in moist to inundated woods and along waterbodies. |
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Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
Platanus occidentalis |
sycamore, American plane |
Contact us for crop status or contract grow options |
Large deciduous tree with large, palmate leaves. Attractive white and peeling bark. Occurs in moist woods. |
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Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
Prunus angustifolia |
Chickasaw plum |
Sold out! Order now for 2021 crop. |
Small-sized deciduous tree with attractive clusters of white flowers. The fruit is a sweet plum suitable for eating. Occurs in dry to moist woodlands. |
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Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
Prunus caroliniana |
laurel cherry |
Unavailable*Contact us for crop status or contract grow options |
Medium-sized evergreen tree with attractive clusters of white flowers. Occurs in moist woodlands.
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Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
click on the image below for an enhanced view of the seedling |
Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
Prunus umbellata |
flatwoods plum, hog plum |
2200/May |
A medium-sized deciduous tree with numerous white flowers in Winter and tart plums in July . Occurs in moist to dry woods. |
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Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
Ptelia trifoliata |
wafer ash |
Sold out! check with us on the crop status. |
Small deciduous tree with interesting fruit, very attractive to swallowtail larvae. Occurs in moist soils. |
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Image click on the image below for an enhanced view of the seedling | Scientific Name | Common Name | Availability | Description |
click on the image below for an enhanced view of the seedling |
Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
Quercus austrina |
bluff oak, false bastard oak |
Currently unavailable. Check with us on crop status or to place a contract grow order. |
Large deciduous tree with lobed leaves. Occurs on dry to moist soils. |
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Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
click on the image below for an enhanced view of the seedling |
Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
Quercus falcata v. falcata |
southern red oak, Spanish oak |
600 |
A large, deciduous oak with attractive lobed foliage. Found on dry to moist soils. |
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Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
Quercus geminata |
sand live oak |
2000 gorgeous! |
A large, evergreen oak with sturdy branch structure. Occurs on dry to very dry soils and coastal sites. |
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Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
Image click on the image below for an enhanced view of the seedling |
Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
Image click on the image below for an enhanced view of the seedling |
Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
Quercus laevis |
turkey oak |
Unavailable*Contact us for crop status or contract grow options |
Large deciduous oak with deeply lobed leaves that turn red in the Fall. Occurs on dry to very dry soils. |
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Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
Quercus laurifolia |
laurel oak |
Sold out! Order for 2021. |
Large, semi-deciduous oak with narrow leaves. Widespread on dry to wet soils. |
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Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
Quercus michauxii |
chestnut oak, white oak, cow oak |
Sold out! Order for later this year. |
A large, deciduous oak with largelobed leaves and large acorns attractive to wildlife and livestock. Occurs on moist soils. |
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Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
Quercus myrtifolia |
myrtle oak |
Sold out! Order for 2021. |
A small to medium-sized oak with dense foliage. Occurs on dry to very-dry soils. |
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Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
Quercus nigra |
water oak |
Currently unavailable. contact us to check on crop status. |
A large, deciduous oak with spatulate leaves and copious acorns. Found on moist soils. |
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Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
Quercus shumardii |
Shumard oak |
500/June |
A large deciduous oak with deeply lobed leaves, attractive Fall color, and large acorns. Occurs on moist soils and floodplains. |
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Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
Quercus stellata v. margaretta |
sand post oak |
Sold out. Order for 2021. |
A medium to large oak with deeply lobed, deciduous leaves. Found on dry soils. |
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Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
Image click on the image below for an enhanced view of the seedling | Scientific Name | Common Name | Availability | Description |
click on the image below for an enhanced view of the seedling |
Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
Rhus copallina |
winged sumac |
Sold out. Order for later this year. |
Small deciduous tree with alternate compound leaves that occurs in moist to dry soils. Attractive Fall foliage featuring red, purple, and yellow streaks. |
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Image click on the image below for an enhanced view of the seedling | Scientific Name | Common Name | Availability | Description |
click on the image below for an enhanced view of the seedling |
Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
Salix caroliniana |
Carolina willow |
25 |
Medium-sized deciduous tree with alternate leaves. Occurs in floodplains and inundated soils. |
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Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
Sambucus nigra ssp. canadensis |
elderberry |
Sold out! Order for later this year. |
Small-sized deciduous tree with opposite leaves. Occurs in floodplains and moist soils. Has attractive white clusters of flowers in Spring and Summer and edible black drupes in Fall/Winter. |
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Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
Image click on the image below for an enhanced view of the seedling |
Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
click on the image below for an enhanced view of the seedling |
Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
Image click on the image below for an enhanced view of the seedling | Scientific Name | Common Name | Availability | Description |
click on the image below for an enhanced view of the seedling |
Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
click on the image below for an enhanced view of the seedling |
Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
click on the image below for an enhanced view of the seedling |
Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
Tilia americana |
basswood |
97 |
A large deciduous tree with opposite leaves and interesting flowers with a sweet odor. Occurs in moist hammocks. |
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Image click on the image below for an enhanced view of the seedling | Scientific Name | Common Name | Availability | Description |
click on the image below for an enhanced view of the seedling |
Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
Ulmus alata |
winged elm |
Sold out! Order for later this year. |
A large deciduous tree with wings along its young branches. Found in dry to moist soils. |
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Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
Ulmus americana v. floridana |
Florida elm |
300 and you can order more for later this year. |
A large deciduous tree with alternate leaves. Occurs in moist to wet soils. |
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Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
Ulmus crassifolia |
cedar elm |
Currently unavailable. check with us for grow status. |
Large deciduous tree with attractive bark. Found in moist soils and floodplains. |
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Image click on the image below for an enhanced view of the seedling | Scientific Name | Common Name | Availability | Description |
Image click on the image below for an enhanced view of the seedling |
Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Availability |
Description |
Zanthoxylum clava-herculis |
Hercules’ club |
Unavailable*Contact us for crop status or contract grow options |
A small deciduous tree with attractive flower clusters. Found on moist to dry soils.
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Unavailable*: Contact us for crop status or contract grow options
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